15 research outputs found

    Support of international organizations for a flexible development of corporate social responsibility in European countries

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    Current appreciation of corporate social responsibility. Fundamental theoretical principles of social responsible enterprise. Basic problem of support for social responsible enterprise - moral scepticism in business area. Result of questionnaire. Ethical problems in firm in Slovakia according to the selected order of respondents. Europe Commissions’ activities for a support of CSR expansion. Accelerating CSR practices in the new EU member states and candidate countries. Baseline scorecard for the region. Recommendations for project development

    Position of freelance jobs in the marketplace of Slovak Republic

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    The special mission professions of freelance jobs in economics of SR. A basic character eristic of freelance jobs as subjects with individual unique performances. The definition of freelance jobs from European Council of Liberal Professions. Matrix regulation of Organization of freelance job. Measuring and management of freelance job performances.The special mission professions of freelance jobs in economics of SR. A basic character eristic of freelance jobs as subjects with individual unique performances. The definition of freelance jobs from European Council of Liberal Professions. Matrix regulation of Organization of freelance job. Measuring and management of freelance job performances

    Evaluation of the Functioning System of the Social and Solidarity Economy in Slovakia

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    AbstractInternational scientific project: “Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) as Development Approach for Sustainability in EYD 2015” (Europe Aid/134863/C/ACT/MULTI, Grant Contract: DCI-NSAED/2014/352-248). The University of Economics in Bratislava – the responsible institution for research focused on SSE in Slovakia. Applied research design: hypothesis and aim, object, methodology. Specification of determining conditions for efficient SSE activities. Analysis and description of the role of the SSE entities. Evaluation of the attributes of supportive public policy for the SSE activities. Identification and recognition of all possible SSE entities from official public open registers. Confrontation of this selected databases with websites of each concrete SSE entity. Mapping the relevant SSE entities in the SR. Selection of the best relevant representatives of SSE entities. Segmentation of the best relevant representatives of SSE entities according to the adequate quadrant of the Power Map of the evaluated entities. Elaboration of the questionnaire for the research of functioning selected SSE entities in Slovakia. Completion and evaluation of questionnaires. Comparison of the obtained information with involved stakeholders according to their direct experiences. Evaluation and selection of the best practice list for relevant representatives of SSE entities (TOP1+TOP2→TOP6). Conclusions and recommendations for science, theory, legislation and practice

    Spatio-Temporal Differentiation of Cancer Incidence in Slovakia

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    Coping with the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of cancers is a challenging medical task with continuing consequences for the development of population health status and economy of health in each country. The occurrence of cancers shows an upward trend in the world. A comprehensive fight against cancers should involve the spatial aspect which is best applied in the field of medical geography. The key indicators for the surveillance of cancers include mortality and incidence, but also prevalence. Incidence plays a more and more important role in the period of an increase in cancers. In the investigation of this issue specific analytical methods were used, such as spatial autocorrelation. Standardized cancer incidence in Slovakia was analyzed in the case of men and women. The years 1997, 2009 and the period 1997–2009 were chosen to compare the incidence. The results of partial analyses show the situation in districts of Slovakia from the perspective of incidence development and its spatial differentiation

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Economic - cultural aspects of the situation arising from the worldwide spread of Covid - 19

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    The ongoing situation with the new Covid-19 virus has hit a huge number of countries whose populations and economies are under a tough test. No one expected such a catastrophic scenario in 2020. Coronavirus is a major topic in the whole world as no other up to now. Individual countries have chosen various approaches to fight the virus. These approaches have been influenced by a number of factors that either make the situation better or worse. Timely response, strict measures, discipline of the population, political position of countries, access or ability to produce or provide medical protective equipment - being the most desirable and precious goods of today, represent the salient role in coping with the situation

    Current measures to maintain the stability of workers in Slovak companies

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    Over a short period of time, individual countries in the world face a common problem that affects them and adversely affects the lives of individuals. In connection with the current emergency situation related to the corona virus pandemic, it is possible to notice fundamental changes and enormous impact in the social or economic dimension. The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the current situation in selected countries and to compare the system of measures in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic that were adopted in order to stabilize or retain workers or aimed at elimination of imminent damage

    Current measures and challenges to strengthen consumer protection

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    Over a short period of time, the individual countries of the world must face a common problem that affects them and adversely affects the lives of individuals. In the context of the current emergency related to the coronavirus pandemic, fundamental changes and enormous impacts can be seen in the social or economic dimension. The article aims to provide an overview of the current situation in selected countries and compare the system of measures in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic to stabilize or retain workers or eliminate impending damage

    Systém controllingu zodpovedného podnikania na báze alternatívnych koncepcií zodpovedného podnikania

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    Corporate controlling system, tools of the corporate responsibility controlling, conceptions of the corporate responsibility controlling, GRI a G3, VeriSEAAR (Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting), Investors in People (certificate IIP), BPCB (Business Principles for Countering Bribery), Transparency International tools - TI Six Step Process and SEM (Self-Evaluation Module), ISO 14000 and EMAS, ISO 26000, AA 1000, SA8000, GoodCorporation Standard, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, system’s structure of the corporate responsibility controlling on the G3 basis

    Transparentnosť verejnej správy SR

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    Podstata transparentnosti. Transparentnosť ex ante vo verejnej správe. Transformácia verejnej správy – posilnenie pozície transparentnosti. Fenomén good governance. Cieľ a kritéria transparentnosti vo verejnej správe. Súvisiace reformy. Dôležité legislatívne dokumenty – determinanty realizácie reformy verejnej správy. Výsledný efekt finalizujúcej reformy verejnej správy. Korupcia vo verejnej správe – pretrvávajúci problém. Negatívny dopad korupcie. Meranie korupcie. Korupčné správanie.Substance of transparency. Ex ante transparency of the public administration. Transformation of public administration – a invigorate of transparency position. Phenomenon of “good governance“. Aim and criteria of transparency in the public administration. The relating reforms. Important legislation documents – the determinants of reform realization of the public administration. Result effect of finishing reforms of public administration. Corruption in the public administration – stabile problem in SR. The negative impact of corruption. The corruption measuring. The corruption behaviour